
bulutein NO.12 of “Walking Together”

Thank you for always helping and praying for us with a generous heart.

Here is bulletin No.12 of “Walking Together”. The content summary is as follows.


Sr. Yoshida Fumiko was back in Japan from April 9th to June 1st. During that time on April 16th, a ”Gathering with Sr. Shirahata and Sr. Yoshida” event was hosted by “Walking Together”. Bulletin No.12 mainly focuses on Sr. Yoshida’s speech during this event.


The left hand side photos on page 1 shows children of Sierra Leona with smiles back on their faces. On the right, are Sr. Shirahata and Sr. Yoshida making their speeches.

Pages 1 to 5 is a summary report on the ”Gathering with Sr. Shirahata and Sr. Yoshida” event, but opens with words of sympathy for those affected by the Kumamoto earthquake.

Sr. Shirahata opened the event with only a few words, leaving most of the time for Sr. Yoshida to talk in detail about the situation from her actual experiences.


 Sr. Yoshida’s speech primarily covered the following :

    The affect of the Ebola Disease and support activity.

Being in the midst of the outbreak was terrifying, but led by a priest in one of the affected areas, the support funds were utilized to provide food for families that  were forbidden to leave designated areas.

    Challenges after  Ebola.

Children of those recovering from Ebola, are showing high percentages of vision impairment.

It is important to stay close and take good care of those children who have lost 

 parents to the Ebola Disease.

    The urgent need for dormitory construction.

Construction has started for orphans and children who spend over 4 hours at school.

    Scholarship program for those moving on to college

There are high hopes for OLG graduates to someday work for the growth and development of Sierra Leona. Some have already started to work as teachers at schools they have graduated from.

    School lunch support for the RC (Roman Catholic) Boys School.

Words of appreciation from Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Sesay, the principal.

    New issues and future challenges

Some of those trying to break out of poverty are starting to think that “with money, anything is possible”. The weakness of the government has become an obstacle to the growth and development of this country.

The event ended with a productive Q&A session.

In the right column on page 5, is a comment from Mr. Masahiko Sato, who participated in this event. He states, “I am happy supporting this cause and appreciate the devoted effort given by the Sisters for the people of Sierra Leona”. The event photo is recapped on page 4.

 Starting from the bottom on page 5 and on to page 6, is a letter from Sr. Shirahata. While she suffers not being able to return to Sierra Leona because she still has pain in her knee, she expresses her reliance and appreciation, especially to Sr. Imelda who continues to lead education at the Tamagawa Shirayuri Kindergarten in Lunsar. The photo on page 6 is Sr. Imelda with a kindergartener.

 At the bottom of page 6 are messages from supporters, including one from an elementary school student who attended an event where Sr. Yoshida gave a speech when she visited the first division of Tamagawa Gakuen.

 The last page is from the headquarters, expressing appreciation to all the supporters

The top photo on page 8 is a good-bye party with the children of Tamagawa Gakuen when Sr. Yoshida visited. The bottom shows the group photo of the ”Gathering with Sr. Shirahata and Sr. Yoshida” event



                    Representative of Walking Together

                                                                      Katsujiro Kanno

                    (Translator           Ayako Nokuo)