


マイル91クリニックにて療養中のシスター白幡から、途切れとぎれにメールが届きます。何も食べられない・・・、無理に食べても直ぐに戻してしまう・・・、4日間で20回も下痢をしたが、シスターアドリアナがとても親切に看病してくださるので感謝している・・・などと記されています。本日はシスター ジョセフィン地区長からメールをいただきましたが、そこには「シスター白幡は少しずつ良くはなっているのですが、体調不良が長く続くので、水曜日にはフリータウンの専門医に診ていただくことにしている」と書かれていました。どうか、シスター白幡の健康快復のためにお祈りください。







この数年間、十分な繰越金を確保できず、11月に行う1回目の送金の際に3カ月分の給食費を送るべきところ2カ月分しか送ることができず、苦しい状態での年度スタートになっていました。しかし次年度は正常な状態でスタートできそうで感謝しています。オリンピックにはシエラレオネからも数名参加しています。     (菅野勝治郎)







玉川白百合幼稚園の園長のシスターエスメラルダが同じ時期にメキシコに行き、3つもの手術をしてそれが良くなるまでシエラレオネには戻れなくなりました。                       ちょうど総長が頑張ってローマからいらしていたので、私とも個人的にお話ししてくださいました。「『歳を取ったから何もできない』と言わないで、神さまからいただいた務めに大きな愛をもって心を込めてやりましょう」とはっきり言われました。







翌日の朝、その町の教会に行って感謝しましたが、ミサのあと、ある女の人が近づいてきて「シスター、45年以上前にシスターに教えていただいた アミナタ カマラです」と挨拶されました。シエラレオネは小さな国ですが、フリータウン、マケニ、ポートロコなどで会う人たちから挨拶されると、その方たちのお名前は思い出せなくても、まだ覚えていてくれて私のためにお祈りして下さっていることに感謝します。

4月27日はシエラレオネの独立記念日でした。また6月16日は「アフリカ子どもの日」のための祝日でした。その日に女の子たちは一人ずつお人形をもらってとてもよろこんだそうです。6月22日は会の創立者のお祝い日なのでマンゲに集まってシスターたちと一緒に感謝しました。その日から1週間は創立者の教えの謙遜と神様への信頼などを心に思い出して過ごしました。6月30日から7月6日まではルンギで13人のシスターたちと一緒に年の黙想にあずかりました。                                   この1週間、完全な沈黙の中で普段の自分を黙想します。とても良いことです。帰りに車のタイヤがだめになり2時間以上道で待ちぼうけをしました。日本だったら代わりのタイヤを手に入れるために近くにガソリンスタンドがたくさんあるのでしょうが、でも長い間我慢して待つ事も学ばなければなりませんね。










Summary of Walking Together Bulletin No. 44


Summary of Walking Together Bulletin No. 44


P.1 Message from Mother Marta G. Hernandez Martín del Campos, Superior General of the Congregation of the Missionary Clara of the Eucharist, to all supporters.

“I am sending you this message of joy and gratitude for your sending the bulletin to us during this blessed Easter season." And then write, She read the 44th issue of the bulletin and thanked us for each of its articles.

She also visited Sierra Leone in February of this year and was moved by the great blessings that have poured into their 65-year journey, especially Sr.Bernadette Shirahata's 50-year dedication and her gratitude for Sr. Josephine Kamara from OLG to become the Regional Superior of Sierra Leone. She concluded by expressing her continued prayers for the victims of the Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan and for stability in Sierra Leone.

P.1 Photo: Mother Marta (right) and students of OLG Elementary School are in cheerful atmosphere after visiting OLG School.


P.2  Sr.Bernadette Shirahata 's message, which is currently in the clinic at Mile 91, was sent by Sr. Josephine Kamara regional superior, after she heard from her.

Sr.Bernadette Shirahata says, "Except for the fact that I can't use the computer right now, my health is fine.

  P.2 Photo: Two shots with Dr. Sr. Patricia Domingo and Sr. Shirahata of the Mile 91 Clinic.


P.2~4 This is a written report from Professor Kaori Murakami of Hiroshima University, who conducted the second round of educational support activities at the Maria Ines Vocational Institute. As a specialist in the training of home economics teachers, she observed the current state of learning of the sewing students at the Maria Ines Vocational Institute, and described how she devised a series of short activities to enrich the experience of improving skills that would help them become independent.


P.3 Photo: Sr. Shirahata, who temporarily left the hospital to meet Ms. Murakami, and the scene of making Chirashi-zushi using the "sushi ingredients" she brought from Japan and the students' handiworks.


P.4 Top left photo: a student who was in the advanced class during our visit four years ago and excelled so much that she is now working as a member of the school's sewing staff, a woman we are happy to see again.


P.4 The other three photos: Classroom scene in the advanced beginner's class.


P.5  On the left side, a report from Sr. Sandra Ramos Álvarez, Principal of the Maria Ines Vocational Institute, entitled "Collaborative Research with Professor Kaori Murakami". She concluded by saying how meaningful and gratifying Professor Murakami's two visits had been to us, and added, "The only way to properly express our gratitude is to make use of all that she wanted to share with us, if she is willing to give us her experience and knowledge in addition to that. And I hope we do." He stated.


P.5  On the right side, a thank you letter to Ms. Kaori written by Zainab Koroma, a second-year sewing student. She concludes, "We really appreciate the short time she spent with us and hope she will return soon to teach us more." She stated.


P.5~P.6  This is a thank you letter from two of our scholarship recipients, Ms. Kadiatu M. Kargbo and Ms. Adamsay S. Kamara. They both report their successful graduation from the university this spring, and strongly express their gratitude to the supporters who helped them through their university life, their joy at having learned so much at the university, and their determination for the future.


P.6P.7  Here are some testimonials from supporters. “I was struck by the high aspirations of the two scholars in Issue 43”." Thank you for the newsletter. I read your newsletter with smiles on the children's faces and your precious service. I pray for God's mercy on you all. Thanks to your staff, I am very happy to see the smiles on the children's faces and to know the noble thoughts of the scholarship recipients. The love of Sister Negishi and the other sisters has borne much fruit.


P.7  The last page of the report is "Announcement from the Head Office" and it reports that 2,350,000 yen ($14,838) was transferred on May 24 for school lunch and multi-purpose support.


P.8 Photos: Top, beginner sewing class; middle, advanced sewing class; bottom, Sr. Shirahata is happy to have her broken sewing machine fixed by Ms. Murakami; kindergarten students practicing the alphabet.


Translator: Chiaki Yoshihara

Caminando Juntos - Resumen de Boletín No 44

 Tomoni Ayumu Kai – Caminando Juntos -  Resumen de Boletín No 44



Página 1

Mensaje de la Madre Marta G. Hernández Martín del Campos, Superiora General de las Hermanas Clara

A todos nuestros colaboradores: “durante esta bendita temporada de Pascua, me gustaría expresarles mi alegría a todos ustedes y mi gratitud por enviarme el boletín. Leí con gratitud y aprecio cada artículo del boletín número 43. Además, visité Sierra Leona en febrero de este año y me conmovieron las grandes bendiciones que se han derramado a lo largo de 65 años, especialmente los 50 años de dedicación de la hermana Bernardita Shirahata y la hermana  Josephine Camara, ex OLG, que se convirtió en la superiora regional” Concluye expresándonos su gratitud y que continuará orando por las víctimas del terremoto de la península de Noto en Japón y por la estabilidad de Sierra Leona.

La foto muestra a la Madre Marta (a la derecha) visitando la Escuela OLG y a los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria OLG contentos y con buena salud.


Página 2

La hermana Josephine, superiora regional escuchó y envió un mensaje de la hermana Bernardita Shirahata, quien está hospitalizada en la clínica de Mile 91. Dice: "Mi salud está bien, excepto que no puedo usar una computadora en este momento".  Nos dice que regresará a Lunsar cuando la hermana Esmeralda retorne de Méjico. En la foto está la hermana Bernardita con la dra. hermana Patricia Domingo de la Clínica Mile 91.


Páginas 2 a 4

Informes de la profesora Kaori Murakami de la Universidad de Hiroshima quien dirigió la segunda actividad de apoyo educativo en la Escuela de Formación Profesional María Inés:

Como profesora de Economía del Hogar, observé el estado actual del aprendizaje de los estudiantes del departamento de costura de la Escuela de Formación Profesional María Inés, e ideé formas de enriquecer las experiencias de los estudiantes en actividades de corta duración para mejorar habilidades que les ayuden a volverse independientes.


Las fotografías de la página 3 son de la hermana Shirahata, que fue dada de alta temporalmente del hospital para encontrarse con profesora Murakami, y de los estudiantes que preparan sushi utilizando la "base de sushi" que trajo de Japón.

La foto en la parte superior izquierda de la página 4 es de una estudiante que estaba en la clase avanzada cuando hizo la primera visita hace cuatro años. “Fue una excelente estudiante” y ahora trabaja como personal de costura en la misma escuela. “Estuve muy feliz de verla nuevamente” comentó la profesora Murkami. Las otras tres fotos son escenas de clase de las clases principiante y avanzada.

En el lado izquierdo de la página 5 hay un informe titulado “Investigación conjunta con la profesora Kaori Murakami” de la hermana Sandra Ramos Alvaréz, directora de la Escuela de Formación Profesional María Inés. Expresó lo significativas y agradecidas que fueron las dos visitas de la profesora Murakami y concluyó diciendo: “la profesora Murakami nos ha brindado su experiencia y conocimientos, y la única manera de expresar adecuadamente nuestra gratitud es hacer uso de todo lo que no ha enseñado, y espero que así sea”.

 En el lado derecho de la página 5 hay una carta de agradecimiento a la profesora Murakami escrita por la Sra. Zainab Koroma, estudiante de costura de segundo año. "Realmente apreciamos el tiempo valioso que pasó con nosotros y esperamos que regrese pronto para enseñarnos más".


Desde el final de la página 5 a la página 6 hay cartas de agradecimiento de los beneficiarios de la beca, la srta Kadiatu M. Kargbo y la srta Adamsey S. Kamara. Ambos estudiantes informaron que pudieron graduarse exitosamente de la universidad esta primavera y expresaron enormemente su gratitud a quienes los apoyaron en su vida universitaria, su alegría por aprender tanto en la universidad y su determinación para el futuro.


Desde el final de la página 6 hasta la página 7, se introducen los comentarios de los seguidores.

“Me conmovieron las grandes aspiraciones de los dos estudiantes becados en el número 43”.

“Gracias por el boletín, me conmueven las sonrisas en los rostros de los niños y el valioso servicio que brindan.”

“Oro para que la gracia y misericordia de Dios siempre este con ustedes”

"Gracias a todo el personal, estoy muy feliz de ver las sonrisas en los rostros de los niños y los nobles pensamientos de los beneficiarios de las becas". 

Recibimos mensajes como: "El amor de las hermanas ha dado grandes frutos".


Al final de la página 7 se encuentra el aviso de la comisión central, que anunció el 24 de mayo los gastos de apoyo al almuerzo escolar y los gastos de apoyo multipropósito. Se ha informado que se transfirieron 2,35 millones de yenes (14.838 dólares).


La página 8 es una página de fotografías, donde la imagen superior es una clase de costura para principiantes, la imagen del medio es una clase de costura avanzada y la imagen inferior es la hermana Bernardita Shirahata, feliz de que la profesora Murakami arreglara su máquina de coser que se había dañado, y niños del jardín infantil practicando el alfabeto.


    Traducción por Marta Tanaka






 シエラレオネ 御聖体の宣教クララ修道会 根岸 美智子(帰天)





皆、とても貧しいので額は小さいのですが、その心はとてもうれしいものでした。ルンサは毎日皆様のために祈っています。           20116月「きずな115号」より



















「シスター白幡刺繍支援」の新しい作品 (B)



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Summary of Bulletin No.43 of Walking Together


Summary of Bulletin No.43 of Walking Together


P. “Dearest Katsujiro Kanno representative and members of Walking Together” by Missionary Clara Secretary General Mother Martha G Hernandez Martin Del Kampos

 In the season of the birth of the lord, may the love and hope of young Jesus reach you. Also thanks the bulletin and supporters who have visited Sierra Leone as well as those in Japan. Due to the never changing love and support throughout the 10 years, many children and their families have turned their lives around.


P.2 “Hoping for a bright future” by Missionary Clara Sierra Leone Regional Manager Sr. Josephine Kamara

2024 has started out with passion and courage, and says that there are high aspirations to achieve targets set for the educational institution in hopes for a bright future. The OLG School has all round education, and in order to educate people who will become contributors to society, they are working hard to strengthen the skills of their students. In order to do so, they are hoping to better the educational environment, but it is not easy with limited resources such as electricity and water. However, they were able to get a few solar panels and 2 computers for elementary and 11 for junior high and high school. This has been a motivation for the students. They hope to continue to raise the educational and lifestyle levels to be able to make their dreams come true. The message is closed by a word of thanks to the support of Walking Together.


P.~ “To Supporters” written on February 16th, 2024 by Sr. Shirahata

Starts with her status of being at the Mile 91 Clinic.

She sends her prayers for Japan which was affected by the earthquake on January 1st and for world peace.

In January, there were track and field events at schools except kindergarten, and many people from around the town were there to see it. The event for kindergarten is planned for April 20th.

It will be 50 years since Sr. Shirahata has been in Sierra Leone. She notes that she hadn’t forgotten about Sierra Leone, while she was in the US during the civil war. She clearly remembers the joy when she came back to Sierra Leone in 2004.

She was an elementary school teacher for a couple of years from 1974, she used a mimeograph to make textbooks and had class under the palm trees when there was no rain. From there she became a junior high school and high school teacher, then elementary school principal, and lastly kindergarten principle. She says that today, she enjoys teaching music the most.

There have been many things in the past like sad memories with the Ebola Virus, the joy of spending 50 years in Sierra Leone, but she mostly wanted to talk about Sr. Negishi and Sr. Yoshida. As Sr. Shirahata looked up to her older twin sister, she looked up to Sr. Negishi in the missionary. She says that now, it is her biggest hope to see Sr. Yoshida back in Sierra Leone.

I am old and cannot do anything bog, but I pray for every person and do small things with a lot of love. What I like most is to tie the shoe lace of small children.

She concludes by saying that although she doesn’t know how long she will live, she hopes to live for God and for the people.


. “Desires for Medicinal Research” by Fatmata D. Sesay

 Fatmata studied at the OLG from kindergarten to high school and currently is studying to become a pharmacist. Sierra Leone lacks doctors who have received training, and there are challenges with saving lives and responding to health risks. By studying medicine, she hopes to bring health and happiness to the citizens. She is thankful for the educational support, which has brought light and hopes. Education not only changes a person, but changes the region and the nation itself. With the education that she has received in college, she hopes to raise the medical level of Sierra Leone.

.4~5 “Dreams of becoming a nurse” by Marvel A. Kanu

 Being supported by Walking Together for a scholarship into college, Marvel is able to study nursing. Being able to study in college, has brought a positive change for her. Studying hard and training has raised her interest more in nursing and she hope to achieve her dreams to be able to help save lives.


P.5 “Kashimada Church Christmas Concert” 

 On December 9th, 2023, at the church in Kawasaki, there was a Christmas Concert. It was a mini mini concert, but very warm and great time to feel the Christmas spirit. The funds gathered there were sent to Sierra Leone to be used for lunch.


.6~ “Voices from supporters”

 ・Sr. Negishi hoped that someday OLG graduate Sr. Josephine would return to Sierra Leone. It is great to know that this wish has come true.

Congratulations to Sr. Yoshida for her 50 years.

Great reading about Matsubara-san’s experience. Great to know there are young people like Matsubara-san.

Walking Together is a great support that I have     etc.

 Thank you for the many comments.


P.8 Announcement form headquarters

 Support fund transfer stratus for the 1st half 

2nd transfer on January 30th ($31,310is complete. 4 months’ worth of lunch support, scholarship, salary for kindergarten teachers, etc.

Able to transfer funds early since we received a lot of support during the Christmas season. Thank you so much for your support. Planning 2 more transfers this year and 5months worth of lunch support funds, and other support funds.

 Shipment of support supplies

 Container shipments are still stopped – report fromMs. Goodrich-san.

 About Sr. Shirahata’s condition

 Since the beginning of February, she was hospitalized for stomach treatment, but was released at the end of February and was able to meet with Ms. Murakami who was visiting. However, she was again hospitalized on March 4th for hip treatment.

 Please refer to the website for “Sr. Shirahata stitching support”


Photo explanations

 P.1 Happy children with the visit of Ms. Kaori Murakami

   Mother Martha Regional Director (front left) visiting Lunsar and Sr. Josephine Regional Director behind her

P.2 From left : Sr. Josephine Regional Director, Marvel A. Kanu, Fatmata D. Sesay, Sr. Shirahata, 2 graduates

P.3 Sr. Shirahata and her stitching

P.4 Fatmata D. Sesay

P.5 Marvel A. Kanu / performers Arisaka-san, Nagasawa-san, Fukuda-san

p.8  Happy elementary and kindergarten students


 Summary : Hiroko Maruyama     Translation : Ayako Nokuo