


  314日にマドレ マルタ総長がカイラフンとマイル91の訪問を終えてルンサに戻った時、シスター アドリアナ地区長も一緒でした。とても元気そうで安心しました。

 15日と16日に、シエラレオネにいるすべてのシスターたちがルンサに集まって、マドレ マルタのコンフェレンスを聞きました。いつもと変わらず、とても優しくてお母さんのような方です。20日にはローマに戻られて、しばらくしたらインドにいらっしゃるそうです。

 今は、マドレ マルタ総長を迎えて私たちはとても幸せな毎日です。 



本当に、感謝!感謝! 感謝です。



316日 ルンサにて  Sr.白幡和子








summary of bulletin No.23

Thank you for always helping and praying for us with a generous heart.

Here is a summary of bulletin No.23 of “Walking Together”.


Photos on page 1 are grouped with the copy “Sr. Shirahata celebrates 50 years in vows of religious order”. Many kindergarten children are happily singing together with Sr. Shirahata. The photos below the copy are from the mass of Sr. Shirahata’s 50 year celebration. On the left is a group photo with Mr. St. Clare's president Martha Hernandez and Councilor Sr. Susanna. The middle photo is Sr. Shiharata giving a prayer and the right photo shows the filled church.


A letter from Sr. Shirahata is on page 2. This was written on Feb 15th, and so she does not talk about the 50 year celebration mass. We will share Sr. Shirahata’s thoughts on the mass in the next edition. This edition of the letter starts with a new year’s greeting, followed by 2 episodes.

In the first episode, Sr. Shirahata talks about a man, a father of student, who fell from the 2nd floor of a construction site and hit his head. He was carried to a hospital, but did not have conscience and the following morning was vomiting and not making the situation any better. The children all prayed for his recovery. The man finally came back healthy after 10 days, and Sr. Shirahata thanked the Lord for listening to the prayers of the children.


The second episode is about a woman who looks after 10 children on her own – not all who are her own – and since her husband cannot work due to illness. So that she can earn some money, Sr. Shirahata has given her work at the kindergarten which has helped her life a little.

Sr. Shirahata comments “No one can live alone. People live by helping one another. Recently, I feel it is important to be able to see the invisible world that is hidden in what can be seen.”


Sr. Shirahata hands presents to the children in the photo on page 2.

The first half of page 3 is a letter from Mr. St. Clare's president Martha Hernandez. The president starts by a statement of thanks for the “Walking Together” bulletin and also talks about former president Mother Julia Meijueiro Morosini who passed away last November 16th. She reflects by remembering former president Morosini looking forward to receiving the bulletin every month.


From the middle of page 3, Sr. Kamoi (Clara Monastery Japan Director) talks on “Celebrating Sr. Shirahata’s 50 years”. She starts with explaining the meaning of 50 years and deeply shows respect for Sr. Shirahata’s 50 years. She also states “The long journey to celebrating 50 years is a result of her own efforts, but moreover a blessing of God. She also thanks Sr. Shirahata’s parents for bringing such a wonderful daughter into this world, other family, friends, and especially members of “Walking Together”. Thank you God.”


The photo on page 3 are from the meeting in Costa Rica. In the center is Mr. St. Clare's president Martha Hernandez and on the left is Sr. Kamoi.


The bottom of page 3 is a letter from Ms. Masumi Tamai, a member of the Catholic Azabu Church – where Sr. Shirahata is from. Ms. Tamai has formed a group within the church called “Polvoron”, which has been supporting Sr. Shirahata’s activities. Ms. Tamai’s group has been doing charity by making “Polvoron, a famous Spanish snack, and they have been regularly giving to “Walking Together”. Sr. Shirahata’s 50 year celebration was great news for the group, and they promise to give more in their future activities.


The photo on page 4, is Sr. Shirahata with the Polvoron members, Ms. Masumi Tamai is on the left in the first row.


The second half of page is “My Sierra Leone Diary” by Ms. Saori Hitomi, a 2nd year student at Kochi University. Last summer, Ms. Hitomi visited Sierra Leone and volunteered for 3 weeks staying at Lunsar Monastery. School was off for the summer, but she helped prepare for the new school year and also taught origami. She actively visited the city and sometimes enjoyed dancing with people.

To further her research, Ms. Hitomi is planning to visit Sierra Leone again this year.


The photo on page 5 is Ms. Hitomi teaching origami to a junior high school student.


Page 5 is a column on voices from supporters. There is one letter that came from a Sunday School teacher who states “Children in class are gathering money to exchange Christmas presents, which we all agreed to give to support Sierra Leone. Please use this charity to cover for lunch.”


The second half of page 6, is “Connection with “Walking Together”” by Ms. Midori Hamamoto, a member of “Walking Together”. Ms. Hamamoto has long been the Japanese representative for the famous world group “Faith and Light” (https://www.faithandlight.org), a group that gathers every month to support the physically disabled. In the international conference held in Warsaw in 1994, she met one student who had come from Sierra Leone. He had badly hurt his leg during civil war. After returning home, Ms. Hamamoto wanted to send support so that the student could get treatment on his leg. She was having issues getting in touch with the student, but when she got the opportunity to talk with Sr. Negishi on the phone, we was fortunate to get in contact with the student.


After the conference, Ms. Hamamoto visited Auschwitz with an Irish Priest and learned 2 things. The first is that the sad history the city faced in the past is not the fault of a special group of Germans, but that it could have been anyone’s fault had someone thought the same. And, those who gave up their lives to save others – it is all action by people.


Ms. Hamamoto says “It has been 25 years since this experience, but the world today is full of greed and control. As long as one’s own country prospers, as long as one’s own family is happy seems to be the thinking these days. I feel happiness that there are people who are willing to support people in countries far away.”

Photo on page 6 is Ms. Hamamoto.

Photo on page 8

Top left: Agnes, a scholarship student. She graduated nursing school and got her nurse license. The photo is from training at a national hospital. She wants to aim for a higher license and is studying har for it.

2 photos on the bottom left: Children eating a traditional beef lunch on “Mother Guadalupe Holiday” (December 12th)

Top right: Girls happy having received clothing support

Middle right: Excited to eat pancakes for the first time.

Bottom right: A picture drawn with crayon by an elementary school student


(Copy:Katsujiro Kanno, Translation:Ayako Nokuo)

Boletin nr.23 resum

Apreciadas Hermanas :

Agradecemos a toda la comunidad misioneras sus oraciones para nuestro grupo y colaboradores.

aqui les estamos enviando el boletin nr 23, version espanola.


Pag 1: fotos Celebracion del 50 aniversario de los Votos de la hermana Bernadita Shirahata, rodeada

           de los ninos del Jardin de infantes, cantando y bailando.

           der. La Superiora General Madre Martha Hernandez, la Vicaria general hermana Susana

           centro. la hermana Bernadita ,oracion de agradecimiento,izq. participantes de la Misa.

           El mensaje de la hermana Bernadita en  oportunidad del aniversario ,lo presentaremos

           en el proximo boletin.

Pag 2: informe de la hermana Bernadita (15 de febrero ) nos comenta sobre el caso de un albanil

           padre de un alumno del jardin, que se accidento al caer del 2 piso de la obra en construcccion

           (esta obra esta a cargo de la hermana Clara Yoshida),su condicion grave, con perdida del cono-

           cimiento y problemas respiratorios,afligia a toda la comunidad, entonces los alumnos del jardin

           rezaron dia tras dia ,por su recuperacion y milagrosamente, a los 10 dias ya le dieron de alta!

           Gracias a Dios, las oraciones de los pequenos ,logro hacer este milagro. Otro caso ,es el de una

           senora,viuda, que cuida no solo de sus ninos, sino tambien de los ninos de sus parientes,en total

           10 personas, la comunidad le encargo la limpieza del Jardin y otras tareas, y gracias a este trabajo

           con la remuneracion puede dar de comer a toda su familia, la viuda esta realmente agradecida de

           esta ayuda. Las palabras de la hermana Bernadita. “Nadie puede vivir solo,siempre es necesaria

           la mano amiga, a veces vemos solo las cosas visibles, pero si miramos con amor y atencion, podemoa

           otro mundo que esta oculto, y que necesita de nuestra ayuda urgentemente “

Pag. 2: foto de la hna Bernadita repartiendo presentes.

Pag 3: pra.parte mensaje de la Madre Superiora Martha Hernandez,nos agradece el envio del boletin nr 22

           que es esperado por todas las hermanas,nos comenta que la Madre Superiora anterior ,Madre Julia

           Meijueiro, quien retorno al cielo, el 16 de noviembre , tambien leia con gran gusto el boletin del grupo.

 centro: mensaje de Superiora General de Japon, hermana Kamoi, en oportunidad del 50 aniversario de la hermana Bernadita”Desde que hizo los votos han pasado 50 anos, toda una historia, ese largo camino  que empezo hace medio siglo, con la bendicion de los padres, que dedicaron a su amada hija, a los servicios de los demas, y que continuo con el apoyo de toda su familia, amigos , y especialmente el grupo Caminando juntos  la proteccion y la misericordia infinita de Nuestro Padre celestial,para la hermana Bernadita y su obra de amo  le damos gracias de todo corazon

     mensaje de la iglesia de Azabu ( donde pertenecia la hermana Bernadita)la sra. Masumi Tamai , del grupo “Polvoron  organizada por los miembros de la iglesia, cocinan este delicioso postre tradicional espanol,para obtener fondo  que se envian a Sierra Leona periodicamente,nos manifiesta su gran alegria por el aniversario y su proposito de conti nuar la obra de ayuda como hasta ahora

Pag 4: la hna Bernadita rodeada por el grupo Polvoron, fila delantera izq.,la sra. Masumi Tamai.

          mensaje de la srita. Saori Hitomi, estudiante de 2 ano de la Universidad de Kochi, nos relata su experiencia en S.Leona  en el verano del ano pasado ,estuvo 3 semanas en la mision de Lunsar trabajando como voluntaria. Durante su estadia,

         epoca de vacaciones escolares ,en Lunsar,colaboro para los preparativos para el nuevo ano escolar, enseno origami a las estudiantes de la secundaria, visito muchos lugares del pueblo, compartio con la gente local ,comida, bebida, danza.

         Este ano, planea visitar otra vez la mision, durante las vacaciones de verano.

Pag 5:foto la srta Saori ensenando a las ninas.

        mensaje de nuestros colaboradores: de una escuela dominical, el maestro nos cuenta que los ninos decidieron donar el dinero que tenian preparado para los regalos de Navidad, a los ninos de S.Leona.Nos pide que destinemos esta donacion

       para el comedor escolar.

Pag.6: mensaje de la sra. Midori Hamamoto (miembro de Caminando Juntos) La sra. Hamamoto es la representante en Japon del grupo internacional Faith Hand Light, que asiste principalmente a las personas con descapacitacion mental.

         Nos relata su encuento con S.Leona ,cuando asistio  en 1994 a una reunion internacional en Varsovia , en su calidad de representante

        en esa ocasion conocio a un joven que habia sufrido la amputacion de una pierna durante la guerra civil en S.Leona. Al regresar a Japon trato de buscar la manera de ayudar a este joven en el tratamiento medico asi fue cuando ,por la providencia ,se contacto con la hna,

        Leticia , y entonces supo de nuestro movimiento y fue de esta manera que nos presta su valiosa ayuda desde entonces.

        Tambien .nos cuenta que visito Auschwitz ,junto con un sacerdote irlandes, alli aprendio dos cosas importantes: una ,que la tragedia de Auschwitz, no es algo particular de un determinado grupo de gentes-nacionalidad, sino que es un terrible suceso, que puede ocu rrir en cualquier lugar, y aun nosotros mismos podemos ser los culpables ,tambien conocio que muchas personas alemanas, arriesgaron

        y hasta perdieron sus vidas tratando de salvar a los perseguidos.En el transcurso de los 25 anos de su primer encuentro con S.Leona,

        siente pena que sigue existiendo,el agocentrismo, cada persona piensa en su propio bienestar, sin importarle la situacion de los demas.

        otra leccion valiosa que aprendio es que en medio de este estado general de apatia, hay gente, grupos grandes, pequenos , que sin cesar

        continuan luchando para brindar cada dia ,el sustento y la estabilidad en la vida diaria, a otros pueblos lejanos,cooperando mutuamente

        por un futuro con esperanza , realmente es algo que conmueve y nos da energia y verdadera felicidad. foto sra. Midori Hamamoto

Pag 8:Srta Agnes ,becaria, se graduo como enfermera ,en la Universidad de Enfermeria, la srta Agnes contiunara sus estudios superiores.

          fotos: Fiesta de Nrta Sra. de Guadalupe, 12 de diciembre, almuerzo especial, con carne de vaca.

          probandose los nuevos uniformes, adquiridos con las donaciones, saboreando panqueques, contentos con los crayones.                         


Profesor Katsujiro Kanno   Representante de Caminando Juntos


(traduccion Marta Tanaka)