
Summary of “Walking Together” Bulletin No.40


Summary of “Walking Together” Bulletin No.40


Sr. Adriana Juarez Navarrete mcss reflects back at the 10 years together with Walking Together in “10 years of trust” on page 1-2. The gift received from “Walking Together”, many children being able to have lunch, scholarships, health support etc.

Even when the world is not how we wished it would be, “Walking Together” has always supported to look for positive ways and to build a strong trust. She wraps up by sending her thanks to the 10 years together with “Walking Together”.


On pages 2-3, is a report from Sr. Shirahata titled “Supporters”, covering events since January (2023/5/26). At the new year mass, she thanked for all the blessings from last year, and also prayed for world peace. The picnic at Mangebre in March, the elementary sports day in April, and masses at different times of the year. Also, the most memorable in the last 10 years, is the time with late Sr. Negishi. Her generosity, appreciation for her work, her wish to continue to work in Sierra Leone. Lastly, she thanks God and blessings from everyone that lead her to 50 years in oath.


Ryukoku University professor Takehiko Ochiai’s report called “In who’s hand” is on page 4-5.

African researcher, Professor Ochiai and his wife have visited Sierra Leone about 20 times and have also submitted reports on “Walking Together” bulletin. The many events and changes that took place over the past 10 years in Sierra Leone – for example, not being able to support after Sr. Shirahata has not been able to be active on site. Issues of poverty still remains an issue and there is need for support, but there is also a need to think about how much support “Walking Together” can provide. A famous Sierra Leone intellect and politician, Solomon Pratt’s poem “In who’s hand” is introduced. Here is one part “The tree stick I have in my hand, can be used only to scare away a stray dog. But the tree stick in Moses’s hand can even divide the Red Sea in two. Yes, it is a matter of who’s hand it is in”


Pages 5-6 is a summary “Being protected for 10 years” by Katsujiro Kanno of “Walking Together”.

Since starting “Walking Together”, we have reached the 40th bulletin. Thanks to the reports of many who have visited Sierra Leone, the supporters, that enabled the bulletin to be published without delay. Support funds have reached 127.61M yen in the past 9 years, this amount is a miracle and he feels it is a gift from God. Also looking back at the past 10 years, he remembers the faces of the 25 supporters who have passed, and the families of those who still continue to support us. He closes the summary by wishing that God will help and lend a hand for those who are currently hospitalized.


Pages 6-8, are voices from supporters.

“Wishing the health of the sisters and the children” “The sparkle in the children’s eye and smiles are wonderful” “So happy and thankful for the 10 year anniversary and Sr. Shirahata’s Foreign Minister’s Commendation. Hoping the war stops” “Although there was the stolen glass incident in the 39th bulletin, impressed that Sr. was thankful to God. This is the strength of religious belief”

“Will continue to support” will send messages to students so that they can feel Sierra Leone  are other voices heard.


Page 8 is information from Headquarters

Support fund activities – sent 2.6M on May 1st. Shipments on container will take a while, Sr.Shirahata’s embroidery are other topics covered.



P.1 With the kindergarten teacher

P.2 Drawings by kindergarten students

P.3 With high school students

P.4 December 2013 – Professor Ochiai and his wife with Sr. Shirahata and Sr. Yoshida when they visited Lunsar

P.8 Left : The Japanese flag and hearing stories from Japanese friends

   Right : Expressing appreciation in the shape of a heart


 Article :  Hiroko Maruyama

Translation : Ayako Nokuo