




神様 マリア様 私はたくさんの恵みに生

すばらしい人々と 出会いました。


すばらしい姉妹方    幸せ者でした。


すべて あなたにおまかせします。
        レティシア マリア






<前略> でも、残念ながら1990年頃から戦争が起こりました。最初に戦争を起こしたのは大学生です。シエラレオネの大統領を初め、偉い人達は「アフリカは貧しいんですよ。貧しいんですよ。」と言って、世界中の人たちから沢山のお金をもらいます。そのお金を貧しい人にあげないで、自分のポケットの中に全部入れてしまうんです。そのため、貧しい人はいつまでも貧しくて、お金持ちは大金持ちになってしまうんです。それを見た大学生たちが怒って、そういう政府を止めさせようと、正義感を持って反乱を起こしました。けれどもそれは束の間で、大学生たちの反乱軍は悪い心の人たちに利用されてしまったのです。







本部からのお知らせ 会報21号別刷り












 この総会で、3名の委員(飯島称さん、井上マヤさん、糠山小百合さん)から、諸事情により委員を辞任したいとの申し出があり、承認されました。 長い間のご尽力ありがとうございました。







会報発送:天野文恵、 岡田京子、 春日良則、

菅野勝治郎、 菅野洋子、 後藤啓子、 

田中マルタ、 西山由香、 野本久仁子、 丸山ひろ子、 


翻訳: 田中マルタ、

(翻訳ボランティア:野久尾彩子さん、 吉原千晶さん)

会計監査役:春日由禧子、 佐藤邦昭、 西山 均、


諮問委員:赤松敏子、 佐藤正彦、 西本美絵子、

ハウエル岐美子、 濱本 緑、 福吉美代子、 

藤原博子、 三辺紀子、 米丘洋子






その後、グッドリチ ルミさんもシエラレオネを訪問され現地の様子をつぶさに見て来られました。その結果、現地の物不足は想像以上であり、「コンテナのスペースの心配はいらないので、学校用品以外の、衣類や雨具、靴類なども集めて送りましょう」というご提案をいただきました。ここに改めて募集します。





























 111日はシスター根岸の帰天日です。ともに歩む会では、恒例の墓参会を10月27日(土)京王線・府中駅北口に1330分集合で行います。初めての方も歓迎いたします。参加を希望される方は、前日まで本部に電話かメールでお知らせください。 (菅野勝治郎)

summary of bulletin No.21

Thank you for always helping and praying for us with a generous heart.

Here is a summary of bulletin No.21 of “Walking Together”.


Sr. Shirahata is surrounded by her students in the city in the top left photo of page 1. Bottom left are children working in a store during summer vacation. Top right are smiling children, and the bottom right photo shows a family gathering. All of these photos were taken by Rumi Goodrich.


From the bottom half of page 1, is the annual report for “Walking Together” that covers all the events that happened for the 2018 fiscal year (September 2017 – August 2018) as well as plans for the upcoming 2019 year. (1) Appreciation to the Lord for the past 5 years (2) Welcoming back Sr. Bernadetta Shirahata to Sierra Leone, after her 2.5 years in medical treatment (3) Being able to have a firm connection with Sr. Adriana, although there were changes with the regional director of the Clara Convent (4) Grateful that Sr. Shirahata and Sr. Yoshida received the “Social Contributors Award” – prestigious award in Japan (5) Being able to exceed budget for the 2018 year, with many support funds (6) Being able to allocated support funds to OLG to help with lunch and education (7) Good discussions about the next 5 years for “Walking Together” (8) Setting up budget for the 2019 year based on 2018 results.


On page 4, Sr Adrianna Juarez Navarette – the regional superior expresses her appreciation for the support for this year. It is titled “He must reign”, and she quotes as below.

How to thank your brotherly care? Holy father Pope Francis says: “giving alms locking into the eyes of the person, and holding his hand made us really brothers and sisters”. And this is what we experience with you.

You are not somebody helping a “beggar” you are elder brothers taking care of the young ones, that are in difficulties, recognizing their dignity and wishing the best, you are the ones that moves to compassion knowing that in Sierra Leon there are children that suffer because they have little or nothing to live for the day, you are the ones that cannot pass a long without stopping to see the needs of others…


The photo on page 4, is Sr. Adriana when she attended an International Meeting in Costa Rica.


The bottom of page 4, starts the 2018 annual financial report from Sr. Esmeralda Franco Leon and Sr. Adriana. It reports in detail how the support funds sent were used.


Page 6 is a letter from Sr. Bernadetta Shirahata titled “Now, I am here”. She states that she is happy to be “home” and appreciated being able to return and happy to be doing all that needs to be done there.


Sr. Adriana and Sr. Shirahata’s photo is on page 6.


The second half of page 7 is a report from a Tamagawa Gakuen’s physical educations teacher Carlos Pena, a Dominican-American from New York City. He reports on “Physical Educations in Sierra Leone“. He visited OLG is August and gave advice to the teachers there. Although there is no equipment needed to teach, he states as follows.

The people were lovely, kind and giving. Even though they do not have much they still would give what little they had. If the world took a look at how these people interacted with one another, and followed their example I feel the world would be a much better place.


Page 8 is some voices from supporters. There was one that read “Every time I read the bulletin, I feel how the Lord had been with everyone “walking together” through all the activities. It is a weird feeling, but I am very happy I am able to feel that way”.


The top left photo on page 8 is a group photo with Sr. Elisa Padilla, who was with Sr. Yoshida to receive the award.

Bottom left is Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich with Sr. Yoshida, Sr. Maria Roa Ventura.

Top right is a blouse made by Sr. Leticia Legacy and on the bottom right a beads bracelet. “Walking Together” also hands out these bracelets and bags made by Sr. Leticia Legacy.


(Copy:Katsujiro Kanno, Translation:Ayako Nokuo)




el contenido del Boletin nr. 21:

”Apreciadas Hermanas

Les agradecemos siempre vuestras oraciones para nuestro grupo Walking Together ,Caminando Juntos.

a continuacion les enviamos el contenido del Boletin  nr. 21:

Pag. 1 foto izquierda arriba  la hermana Bernadita Shirahata rodeada por los ninos en el pueblo

            izq.abajo los ninos ayudando en los puestos durante las vacaciones de verano

            derecha arriba,la sonrisa inocente ,derecha abajo una escena familiar.

            (fotos { sra.Rumi Goodrich)


          Reporte  anual  septiembre 2017~agosto 2018 ,planes para el 2019 presentado por el representante

          de Walking Together.Agradecimiento por 1) todos los beneficios recibidos de nuestros colaboradores

          durante  estos primeros 5 anos de Walking Together 2) el regreso de la hermana Bernadita ,despues

          de 2 anos de rehabilitacion.3) reiteracion de los lazos de cooperacion con la Nueva Superiora Regional

          hermana Adriana Juarez Navarrete 4) Premio otorgado a las hermanas Clara Yoshida y Bernadita Shirahata

          por su labor humanitaria desde un organismo japones.5) por el apoyo recibido que supero al presupuesto

          inicial del 2018 6) por haberse llevado a cabo la ayuda al programa de comidas, educacion, multiproposito

         7) planes y actividades proyectadas para al 2019 ,elaborado en base a los datos del 2018.


Pag. 4 El mensaje de la Superiora Regional hermana Adriana Juarez Navarrete

           titulado “He  must reign”


How to thank your brotherly care? Holy father Pope Francis says: “giving alms locking into the eyes of the person, and holding his hand made us really brothers and sisters”.

And this is what we experience with you.

You are not somebody helping a “begger” you are elder brothers taking care of the young ones, that are in difficulties, recognizing their dignity and wishing the best,

you are the ones that moves to compassion knowing that in sierra leon there are children that suffer because they have little or nothing to live for the day,

you are the ones that cannot pass a long without stopping to see the needs of others…

          foto de la hermana Adriana en oportunidad de su participacion en el congreso internacional en Costa Rica


       Hermana Esmeralda Franco Leon ,economa de  la mision.

       reporte economico  sep.2017-julio 2018  .Detalle de la distribucion de las remesas


pag. 8 mensaje de la hermana Bernadita Shirahata “Aqui me encuentro en mi hogar”

        nos comparte su alegria ,al cumplir los designios del Senor,siguiendo su labor

        en la comunidad de Sierra Leona


Pag. 7 foto de la hermana Adriana y la hermana Bernadita


           mensaje del profesor de Educacion Fisica Prof. Carlos Pena (dominicano’americano de Neva York)

          de Tamagawa Gakuen.,quien visito en el mes de agosto OLG ,donde asesoro a los profesores de Educa

          cion Fisica.


           The people were lovely, kind and giving. Eventhough they do not have much they still would give what little they had

         . If the world took a look at how these people interacted with one another, and followed their example I feel the world would be

         a much better place.


Pag.8 mensaje de uno de nuestros colaboradores, “ Cada vez que recibo el Boletin, cuando lo leo, siento que el

         Senor,nos esta acompanando por el camino ,es un sentimiento que me cola de alegria.


         foto arriba izq. durante el acto de aceptar el premio a las hermanas Clara Yoshida y Bernadita Shirhata

                 junto con la hermana Elisa Padilla que acompano a la hermana Clara desde Sierra Leona

                 izq.abajo El  senor y la senora Goodrich,la hermana Clara Yoshida y la hermana Maria de la Luz

                 Roa Ventura

                 arriba derecha Sister Leticia Legacy blusa confecionada con tela Gara.

                 comunicamos a las personas que desean adquirir brazaletes,pochettes, tela gara,que se contacten

                con la oficina de Walking Together.


               Profesor Katsujiro Kanno

              Representante de Walking Together


            (traducccion Marta Tanaka)