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bulletin No.9 of “Walking Together”.

Thank you for always helping and praying for us with a generous heart.

Here is bulletin No. of “Walking Together”. The content summary is as follows.


The photo on page 1 is the ceremony to celebrate the completion of the new school building for Tamagawa Shirayuri Kindergarten in Lunsar.

Priest Enmanuel was on hand to celebrate the new building opening.


A summarized report for fiscal year 2015 (2014/9/1-2015/8/31) by Katsujiro Kanno, the representative of “Walking Together”, is on pages1-2.

This year, Sierra Leone experienced difficult situations with the outbreak of the Ebola disease.

However with the Lord’s protection, we were able to receive more donations than expected, which helped support the activities of our sisters helping cure the Ebola outbreak on site.

On pages 2-3, you can find Sister Elisa Padilla’s report and her message of thanks. In 2015, a total of $123,663.22 was donated by “Walking Together”.

Although schools were closed from September to April due to the Ebola disease, funds for school lunch programs, etc. were diverted to be used for supplying food for the poor.

This helped many in need, prevented the spread of the Ebola disease and also helped the recovery of those who were infected.

Now that classes have resumed, the biggest challenge is the support for children who have lost their parents due to Ebola.

But Sr. Elisa Padilla notes that the contributions that have been made by “Walking Together” has been of great support.

The photo on page 3, shows a village near Lunsar after it has regained peace.


The report from Sr. Kazuko Shirahata, who has temporarily returned to Japan for treatment on her knee, is on pages 3-4.

Her knee pain seems to be healing. She expresses her joy and thanks for the completion of the new school building. The photo on page 4 is Sr. Shirahata at the Tokyo monastery.


Sr. Fumiko Yoshida’s report is on pages 5-6. Although official reports say 3,586 people out of 8,697 people who were infected by the Ebola disease in Sierra Leone died, Sr. Yoshida says the reality is much worse.

The day after the President of Sierra Leone declared the end to the Ebola outbreak, there were reports of additional infections. It can be said that more time is needed for the complete eradication of the Ebola disease.

However, many still hold hopes for the future.


The challenge from now on will be the support needed after the Ebola eradication. First, we need to concentrate all support on getting schools to start again.

The biggest challenge will be supporting children who have lost parents/guardians.


The government has promised to supply all schools with food, but this has not yet been fulfilled.  The kids in Sierra Leone need the support from “Walking Together”.

The people of Sierra Leone are starting to show changes by being positive, and we are expressing our thoughts to walk together with them through our reports.


The photo on page 6, shows Sr. Yoshida (right) with emergency foods supplied by Japan.


The latter part of page 6 is a letter from Sr. Mari Luz of “ Maria Ines Vocational Center”.

She expressed her sincere thanks to “Walking Together” for support in getting funds to feed the children at school. It was a stream of light when she heard this news from Sr. Elisa, after schools had restarted.


Page 7 is a report on the speech made by Miyoko Fukuyoshi of The Friends Association of Africa of the region of Kita Kyushu at the Kokura Catholic Church.

At the same time, a free market to support Sierra Leone was held and many donations were gained that day. The photo is of Miyoko Fukuyoshi.

Notes from those supporting the cause can be found at the end of page 7.


Administrative announcements can be found on page 8.

Announcements include the sudden death of Tan Koji (Advisory Committee) and the visit to Sr. Michiko Negeshi’s grave on October 31st.


The photo shows the children and Father Joseph in Mange, a sister school to OLG. The drawing was done by a Lunsar kindergarten student.

                                                 (Translator: Ayako Nokuo


Boletin nr 9 resumen en espanol

Apreciadas Hermanas:

Boletin nr 9 Resumen

A todas las Hermanas y a la comunidad que nos apoyan con sus oraciones

en la obra de Caminando Juntos, les hacemos llegar nuestro agradecimiento de todo


Boletin nr 9

pag.1 : foto : El Padre Enmanuel bendice las instalaciones del flamante Jardin de

            infantes” Tamagawa  Shirayuri”,Que alegria! por fin se cumplio el sueno de

la hermana Bernadette Shirahata

pag 1 –2 : Profesor Katsujirou Kanno,representante de” Caminando Juntos” informe

               Periodo comprendido desde el 1 de septiembre del 2014 –31 de agosto del 2015

La fiebre Ebola ,que asolo el pais,causando enormes danos,fue un periodo de dura lucha

Gracias a la Misericordia de Dios,las donaciones recibidas ,(que no esperabamos fueran

tantas) superaron al presupuesto inicial,y asi pudimos enfrentar con exito esos dificiles

momentos Muchas Gracias por la valiosa colaboracion de los donantes!

pag 2-3 Hermana Elisa Padilla,Superiora regional de Sierra Leona, informe

             Periodo 2014-2015 acusa recibo de la cantidad de 123.663,22  USdolares

que son las donaciones de los colaboradores de Caminado Juntos, de todo el Japon

El comedor escolar,  estuvo cerrado de septiembre del 2014  hasta  abril del 2015,

entonces esos fondos fueron destinados ,para ser distribuidos entre las familias

mas pobres, en las medidas necesarias contra el contagio de la fiebre Ebola, en la

recuperacion de los enfermos, con esa ayuda se salvaron gran cantidad de personas

La hermana Padilla expresa su profundo agradecimiento.

pag 3 foto : vuelve la calma a la ciudad de Lunsar

pag 3-4 : Hermana B.Shirahata,informe

              En estos momentos se encuentra en Tokyo para un tratamiento dolor

de la rodilla,poco a poco va mejorando su condicion, nos hace participar de la

alegria de la apertura del nuevo jardin de infantes y nos expresa su profundo


pag 4 : foto Hermana Shirahata en la Casa de la Misioneras en Tokyo

pag 5-6 Hermana F Yoshida informe desde Lunsar

             sobre la fiebre Ebola, se declaran oficialmente 8.697 casos, de los

cuales 3.586  fallecidos, en realidad se estima una mayor cantidad, aun ahora

aparecen nuevos casos de contagio pero ha cambiado el sentimiento de la

gente,ya no se tiene tanto miedo, ahora ya no se piensa Ebola=muerte, hay

una luz de esperanza. Ahora empieza la gran tarea de reiniciar la clases ,recu

perar las lecciones, ayudar a criar y sostener a los huerfanos que han perdido

a ambos padres por la fiebre.

El gobierno ha prometido ayudar a los comedores escolares, sin embargo ,todavia

no han cumplido esta promesa, las donaciones desde Japon,son las que mantienen

en marcha el comedor escolar, el pueblo en general, despues de esta tragedia se

mueve hacia el manana, empieza a caminar por sus propios medios, es decir hay

un gran cambio de actitud

pag 6 :foto distribucion de alimentos de emergencia, enviados desde Japon

            a la derecha, la Hermana Yoshida

pag 6 ,abajo La Hermana Mari Luz Roa, Directora suplente del Taller vocacional

           Maria Ines ,informe

agradece profundamente,la colaboracion del comedor escolar,por la comida

recibida para ser distribuida entre las alumnas del taller ,que se quedan horas

extras para recuperar las clases perdidas. La Superiora General Hermana Elisa

decidio compartir las raciones del comedor escolar

pag 7 Asociacion Amigos del Africa, de la region Kita Kyushu,Sra.Miyoko Fukuyoshi

          representante, informe: La Iglesia Catolica de   Kokura realizo un evento con

teatro y bazaar para recolectar fondos para Sierra Leone, Muchas Gracias por su

valiosa donacion!!

pag 7 : abajo mensaje de los donantes

pag 8 : informe de la comision central de Caminando Juntos

            Fallecimiento del sr. Kouji Tan, gran colaborador de Caminando Juntos

            Visita programada para el 31 de octubre : la tumba de la Hermana Leticia

foto: Padre Jose con los ninos de la escuela del pueblo de Mange

el bonito dibujo: de un nino del jardin de infantes de Lunsarra


                  (Traductor: Marta Tanaka