



Bulletin No.27 of “Walking Together”

Pages 1-3 is a message from Sr. Shirahata titled “Coming into the new year – to the members of Walking Together”. The middle left photo is a happy girl holding a handmade doll. There are 3 photos on the right column. The top photo shows Sr. Shirahata surrounded by children, children marching to celebrate the holiday of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the middle photo, and on the bottom are children taking out lunch.
The message covers the events from last December and Sr Shirahata’s thoughts.
December 10th : Celebrated the holiday of Lady of Guadalupe at school. Students above elementary school danced and sang to the band music and walked around the village. Preschoolers sang and danced in the playground, 174 girls were given handmade dolls made by Sr. Shirahata and another teacher, and the boys with bubble toys as gifts. The special Christmas “Tamagawa Lunch” was open to take out for children to enjoy with their family.
All the sisters gathered at the Mange Monastery on Christmas and celebrated. They stayed there for 3 days, and had a chance to spend time with Sr. Yoshida.
December 29th : Had a light stroke while in Lunsar and got tested in a big hospital in Freetown. Lowered her blood pressure and got some medication to cure.
December 17th : Solar panels were installed at the Monastery and now can use electricity. Solar panels were also installed at the preschool.
In order to live and be happy in Africa, there are still things that are not available. Learned that it was not just about having certain “things”, but also about feeling happiness in the simplest things, not to worry oneself, and giving happiness to others.
Pages 3-4 is an article from a journalist, Toru Jojima called “Revisiting Sierra Leone” After visiting Sierra Leone for the first time in 2002 as an Africa correspondent, Mr. Jojima had always thought about a man and his newlywed wife, who talked about his hopes for a better life, even after he had lost both hands in battle. After 17 years, we reunite with this man in Sierra Leone and talks about how happy he was and how the restoration was coming along. He also talked about his meeting Sr. Shirahata in Lunsar, about the school, and his meeting with Sr. Yoshida in Mange. He felt a lot of passion and strength from the sisters.
The photo on page 4 is Mr. Jojima with an old friend, Tarawary.
A presentation that was made at the Foreign Students Japanese Speech Contest by Ezekiel KAINESSIE (1st grade at the JASSO Tokyo Japanese Education Center) is on page 5. It is titled “My Resolution”. There are still many issues that need to be solved in Sierra Leone, but focuses on the need for better medical system to prevent people from dying. For this situation, Ezekiel wants to study medicine and provide a better society for the people of Sierra Leone. (From “NEW Ashinaga Family” published by Ashinaga)
Messages from supporters start from the middle of page 5 to top of page 6.
From page 6-7 is a note from Kimiko Howell (Walking Together Advisory Committee, and Representative of Sierra Leone Friends) titled “Thanking every encounter”. Ms. Howell started “Sierra Leone Friends” with Kazuyo Asano, and talks about why they started up, what their activities are, and her feelings towards Sierra Leone. The photo on page 6 is Ms. Howell and Ms. Asano.
On page 8 is an announcement from Headquarters. Covers: All the support funds from 2018 has been shipped out, support funds allocation situation, solar panel installation at the preschool.
There are 2 photos on the bottom right on page 8. The top one was shared by Mr. Jojima, a group shot with Sr. Yoshida (on the left is Mr. Jojima and Sr. Yoshida is third from the left, and on the right is Mr. Fujii). The bottom photo is Sr. Yoshida driving a 4WD.
(Copy:Hiroko Gotoh Translation:Ayako Nokuo)


Pages 1-3 is a message from Sr. Shirahata titled “Coming into the new year – to the members of Walking Together”. The middle left photo is a happy girl holding a handmade doll. There are 3 photos on the right column. The top photo shows Sr. Shirahata surrounded by children, children marching to celebrate the holiday of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the middle photo, and on the bottom are children taking out lunch.

The message covers the events from last December and Sr Shirahata’s thoughts.

December 10th : Celebrated the holiday of Lady of Guadalupe at school. Students above elementary school danced and sang to the band music and walked around the village. Preschoolers sang and danced in the playground, 174 girls were given handmade dolls made by Sr. Shirahata and another teacher, and the boys with bubble toys as gifts. The special Christmas “Tamagawa Lunch” was open to take out for children to enjoy with their family.

All the sisters gathered at the Mange Monastery on Christmas and celebrated. They stayed there for 3 days, and had a chance to spend time with Sr. Yoshida.

December 29th : Had a light stroke while in Lunsar and got tested in a big hospital in Freetown. Lowered her blood pressure and got some medication to cure.

December 17th : Solar panels were installed at the Monastery and now can use electricity. Solar panels were also installed at the preschool.

In order to live and be happy in Africa, there are still things that are not available. Learned that it was not just about having certain “things”, but also about feeling happiness in the simplest things, not to worry oneself, and giving happiness to others.


Pages 3-4 is an article from a journalist, Toru Jojima called “Revisiting Sierra Leone” After visiting Sierra Leone for the first time in 2002 as an Africa correspondent, Mr. Jojima had always thought about a man and his newlywed wife, who talked about his hopes for a better life, even after he had lost both hands in battle. After 17 years, we reunite with this man in Sierra Leone and talks about how happy he was and how the restoration was coming along. He also talked about his meeting Sr. Shirahata in Lunsar, about the school, and his meeting with Sr. Yoshida in Mange. He felt a lot of passion and strength from the sisters.

The photo on page 4 is Mr. Jojima with an old friend, Tarawary.

A presentation that was made at the Foreign Students Japanese Speech Contest by Ezekiel KAINESSIE (1st grade at the JASSO Tokyo Japanese Education Center) is on page 5. It is titled “My Resolution”. There are still many issues that need to be solved in Sierra Leone, but focuses on the need for better medical system to prevent people from dying. For this situation, Ezekiel wants to study medicine and provide a better society for the people of Sierra Leone. (From “NEW Ashinaga Family” published by Ashinaga)


Messages from supporters start from the middle of page 5 to top of page 6.


From page 6-7 is a note from Kimiko Howell (Walking Together Advisory Committee, and Representative of Sierra Leone Friends) titled “Thanking every encounter”. Ms. Howell started “Sierra Leone Friends” with Kazuyo Asano, and talks about why they started up, what their activities are, and her feelings towards Sierra Leone. The photo on page 6 is Ms. Howell and Ms. Asano.


On page 8 is an announcement from Headquarters. Covers: All the support funds from 2018 has been shipped out, support funds allocation situation, solar panel installation at the preschool.


There are 2 photos on the bottom right on page 8. The top one was shared by Mr. Jojima, a group shot with Sr. Yoshida (on the left is Mr. Jojima and Sr. Yoshida is third from the left, and on the right is Mr. Fujii). The bottom photo is Sr. Yoshida driving a 4WD.


(Copy:Hiroko Gotoh Translation:Ayako Nokuo)




Le estamos enviando la versión en español del boletín nr 27

Apreciadas Hermanas

Le estamos enviando la versión en español del boletín nr 27


Reporte dela hermana Bernadita

El 10 de diciembre,en la festividad deNuesfra Señora de Guadalupe

Desfile por las calles de la ciudad,participan todas las secciones,elemental,

Secundaria,taller vocacional con sus bandas de música marchando al ritmo

Luego se repartieron las muñecas que desde el verano pasado,la hermana Bernadita

Junto con las maestras jardineras confeccionaron ,un total de 174 muñequitas que llenó de alegría a las niñas. Los niños a su vez recibieron juguetes para hacer burbujas de jabón

En este día hay un almuerzo especial,se llama “Tamagawa Lunch “se cocinó pollo,más económico que la carne, se distribuyeron las   viandas para que las llevarán a sus casas y compartir un poquito con la familia.

El 14 de diciembre después de terminar el primer semestre,se decoraron,todos los edificos para recibir la Navidad,utilizando todos los elementos disponibles con gran imaginación

Mange la Reunión de todas las hermanas de la Misión,para disfrutar un momento de respiro de todas las tareas del año,intercambiar ideas,compartiendo la mesa navideña.también pudimos tener tiempo para charlar con la hermana Clara siempre tan ocupada.

Sobre el estado de salud de la hermana Bernardita.

Tuvo una leve embolia cerebral,de la cual se esta recuperando

Solar panel la construcción terminó y dede diciembre hay corriente eléctrica,ahora las tareas cotidianas se volvieron mas eficientes y fáciles

La hermana Bernadita agradecer a todos los colaboradores y nos enseña que la felicidad no es tener mucho,sino valorar lo poco que tenemos,y que compartimos con el prójimo

fin pag1 y 2

pag 3y4

reporte del periodista Sr.T.Jojima

Enviado especial en África :”El colapso de la economia””El camino hacia la reconstrucción aún lleno de dificultades”

En mayo del 2002,conoció a un joven amputado de ambas manos por los guerrilleros y a su joven esposa,el sr.  Mohammed Tarawary y la sra Mabindy ,siempre recordaba a este matrimonio

así que esperaba volver a verlos,la oportunidad se dio en 2019,formaron un grupo de cinco personas y partieron  hacia Africa, y tuvo la alegria de reencontrarse con el matrimonio.,el sr,Mohammed , que ahora es el líder de la asociacion AWWA (amputados y discapacitados por la guerra) y su esposa que trabajaba en negocios,el sr,Mohammed pudo rehabilitarse y puede comer sola,pero necesita la ayuda de su esposa para ir al baño.Ambos pueden llevar una vida

tranquila,esta realidad ha sido posible con la ayuda de instituciones gubernamantales y civiles, de varios paises,entre ellos

Walking Together de Japon que colabora con la misión de la congregacion delas hermanas Clarisas..

Tuvieron gran interés en visitar la misión donde se encuentran dos hermanas de Japón,hermana Shirahata y hermana Yoshida.

Con el profesor T,Fujii, de la Universidad de Meiji, fueron a Lunsar en el mes de agosto Pudieron ver a los voluntarios de Italia,enseñando danza ,a los jóvenes maestros dando clases de inglés,también visitaron la Biblioteca que se erigió con las donaciones de un centro financiero español

Las hermanas Shirahata y la hermana Yoshida (especialidad arquitectura),dejaron su vida cómoda en Japon ,para dedicarse a los niños de Africa y junto con las hermanas de la misión,que también provienen de distintos paises,trabajan incansablemente por el futuro de los niños..

Fin de pag 3 y 4

Pag 5 y 6

Presentacion del discurso del sr.Ezekiel Kainessie ,de Sierra Leone

estudiante de 1r año del centro de lengua japonesa

“Mi Aspiración “

Africa es un enorme continente,que muchos no conocen bien,solo la

Imagen de guerras civiles ,probreza y enfermedades.

Mi pais sufre de muchos problemas ,entre ellosla situación precaria

de los servicios de salud,mi aspiración es desarrollar el nivel de la medicina,para

que toda la población,especialmente los niños pueden crecer con salud y contribuir

al progreso del pais,no es fácil de lograr pero me dedicare con todo empeño

es mi aspiracion”

pag 6y7

mensaje de la sra.Kimiko Powell,representante de Sierra Leone Friends

34años con Sierra Leone

En 1975,la sra,Powell,leyó en el periodico un pedido de ayuda,desde un pais

de Africa,cuyo nombre ni conocía.Era la carta de la hermana Leticia,desde

Sierra Leone solicitando toda clase ds utiles escolares,motivada por este pedido

 Decidio enviar cada mes una encomienda,y con la ayuda de la sra.Kazuko Asano

el  movimiento se fue extendiendo, con pequeñas donaciones,bazares,y otras actividades y cuando la hermana Leticia regreso a Japon temporalmente,la sra

Powell tomo contacto con colegios, e instituciones ,para que la hermana tuviera oportunidad de dar charlas sobre la misión en Lunsar. La reacción fue de gran éxito Y el movimiento fue creciendo con colabodores de todo el Japon Los medios de información tomaron interés y actualmente el periodico Mainichi news paper,ha colaborado en la instalación de solar panel en el jardín de infantes.


Volviendo la vista atrás ,el movimiento ha ido creciendo gracias a la ayuda de las personas de gran corazon ,amigos de todo el Japon,que se sienten tan unidos

A los niños de Lunsar,a pesar de la distancia fisica,agradecemos toda la bendición

Que nos ha deparado este movimiento y confiamos seguir Caminando Juntos

Fin par 6 y 7

Pag 8

Avisos : envio de encomiendas .un total de 100 cajas se enviaron ,en 10 oportunidades desde julio de 2019-febrero 2020,(10 cajas casa vez)el costo fue de 600.000 yenes alrededor de 6,000 dolares,los dos primeros envíos de julio 2019,llegaron a Sierra Leone,el14 de febrero,y buen estado y no hubo que pagar ningún impuesto.

Remesas: el primer semestre (sept/19-febrero /20) se remitió :e

Comedor escolar 480.000 yenes Asistencia medica300.000 yenes. Educación 800.000 yenes Taller vocacional MI 800,000 yenes.Jardin de infantes 800.000.



Pag 1 Lunsar fiesta escolar Pag 3 sr.Mohamed y su esposa 2002 ,Pag 4 periodista sr.Jojima y Mohammed  2019.Pag 6 sra K Powell ,sra K.Asano Sierra Leone Friends

Pag 8 hermana Clara, el grupo del sr Jojima ,paneles solares en el jaesin de infantes




traduccion Marta Tanaka






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この日はお互いの愛について黙想し反省する日でもあります。愛は忍耐深い。ねたまない。愛は自慢せず、高ぶらない。礼を失せず自分の利益を求めず、いらだたず、恨みを抱かない。すべてを忍び、すべてを信じ、すべてを望み、すべてに耐える。聖パウロの言葉ですが、これらのたった一つでも実行出来たらと思います。      Sr.白幡和子