











「お送りいただいた支援金によって、子ども達は毎日、昼食をいただくことができます。 一部の子ども達は、それがその日の唯一の食事です。 神が皆さまに報いてくださいますように。」






summary of bulletin No.17 ..

Thank you for always helping and praying for us with a generous heart.

Here is a summary of bulletin No.17 of “Walking Together”.


The photo on page 1 (top) was sent from Hikari Tanabe, a college student who visited Mange Bure, where Sr. Yoshida now works. Tanabe-san built a strong relationship with the children by teaching them soccer. A report on his visit is planned to be covered in the next bulletin.

On the bottom of page 1, is a photo of a noviciate in Kailahun. Former district manager Sr. Elisa Padilla is in the center, and the new district manager Sr. Adriana Juarez Navarrete on the right. A greeting message from Sr. Adriana can be found on page 4.

 The bottom right photo on page 1 was taken when visiting Sr. Susanna, the general councilor of the Clara Convent. In the second row from the left is Sr. Susanna, Sr. Angeles Torres (her message is on page 4), and new district manager Sr. Chieko Kamoi. In the first row from the left is “Walking Together” Representative Katsujiro Kanno, Martha Tanaka (Spanish translator), Kyoko Okada, and Sr. Kazuko Shirahata.

 On pages 2-4 is the annual report from “Walking Together” Representative Katsujiro Kanno. The main contents are (1) support fund payment status (2) support fund allocation (3) notice that relief aids were successfully delivered by Mr.Goodrich (4) distribution of Sr. Leticia Legacy’s pattern cloth and small handbags (5) placement of reports from six individuals who visited Sierra Leone within the last year (6) confirmation that Sr. Shirahata will be back on duty after over two years of medical treatment and (7) notification that district managers in both Sierra Leone and Japan have changed, and Sr. Yoshida will be leaving Lunsar to work in Mange Bure.

 The photo on page 3 shows Sr. Leticia Legacy’s selling her handbags.

 The new district manager, Sr. Adriana Juarez Savarena’s message is on page 4. She writes to thank everyone for all the support and asks for continuous support. In her message, she says

 “・・・we hope and trust in God that together we will touch the life of many; not only

with your material help but mostly with the love, effort and care that you put in that

help;  believe me this is what at the end transforms the lives and encourages, somebody to continue living.


Sr. Angeles Torres’ message is on the right of page 4

In her message, she says “While acting as the district manager for twelve years, there were many things – such as the passing of Sr. Negishi and the Ebola diseaseBut during all this time we were able to touch upon the warm support, true love for God, and love for others.”

From page 5 is a report from Sr. Shirahata. She thanks Sr. Elisa and Sr. Angeles for their years as district managers. She expresses her happiness on completing over two years of medical treatment and being able to return to Sierra Leone. The photo is when she was visited by Yoshiko Hotta, who resides in Ghana.

 From the second half of page 6 to page 7 covers Minako Teranishi’s travel to Sierra Leone. She is a student at Hiroshima University Graduate School majoring in International Development and Cooperation. Her parents are Buddists living in a temple, and she herself is a Buddist, but talks about how she was welcomed into the Catholic convent and being able to bond with the people who lived there. Her research topic was “Religion and Peace-building”, and for more depth, she has decided to visit Sierra Leone again. A photo of Teranishi-san is on the right on page 6, and on page 7 is a wedding photo of an Islamic bride and Christian groom.

A notice from headquarters and letters from supporters are on page 8. In the notice from headquarters, it talks about the completion of the general session for the 2018 year and the plan to pay respect to Sr. Negishi by paying a visit to her grave. The bottom photo is the children of Mange.



Sr. Elisa and Sr. Yoshida’s report is attached.

                                                              Representative of “ Walking Together”  

                                                              Katsujiro Kanno

                  (Translator   Ayako Nokuo)




Resumen del Boletin nr. 17

Les agradecemos profundamente vuestras oraciones para el grupo “Caminando Juntos”.

Aqui le enviamos un resumen del Boletin nro. 17.


pag.1 foto (arriba) foto enviada por el universitario sr. Hikari Tanabe en Mange Bure,el nuevo destino de la hna.Clara Yoshida.

          el sr. Tanabe, entreno a los ninos en futbol, comentario de su estancia en Sierra Leone , sera publicado en el proximo


          foto (abajo) noviciado en Kailahun, en el centro hna.Elisa Padilla,  Superiora Regional saliente, a la derecha hna. Adriana Juarez Navarrete

          nueva Superiora Regional en Sierra Leona. En la pag.4 publicamos el mensaje de la hna.Adriana Juarez Navarrete.

          foto (derecha) hna.Susana ,Consejera General de la Congregacion Misioneras Clarisas del Santisimo Sacramento. en ocasion de la reunion

          con los miembros de Caminando Juntos,(atras izquierda) hna.Susana,hna.Angeles Torres, Superiora Regional saliente ,hna. Chieko Kamoi ,

          nueva Superiora Regional en Japon. (en primera fila desde la izquierda) prof Katssujiro Kanno ,Representante de Caminando Juntos ,Marta Tanaka

          miembro encargada de la traduccion al espanol,Kyoko Okada ,miembro, hna.Bernadette Shirahata. En pag.4 publicamos mensaje de la hna.

          Angeles Torres.


pag.2 ~pag.4 informe anual del Representante prof.K.Kanno:  1) ingresos 2) remito 3) arribo de la mercaderia de apoyo ,que llegaron sin problemas

         gracias a la ayuda del sr.Goodrich.4) Legado de la Hermana Leticia, distribucion de tela  bolsitosy bolsos (foto pag.3 pueden ser adquiridas )

         5) comentarios /informes de  6 personas que visitaron Sierra Leona, en el 2017 .6) buena noticia sobre la hna.Bernadette Shirahata, que despues de

        dos anos de rehabilitacion  medica,puede retornar a Sierra Leona 7) Cambio de las Superioras Generales en Japon y en Sierra Leona.

        Traslado de la hna. Clara Yoshid a Mange Bure,


pag.4 mensaje de la nueva Superiora General hna.Adriana Juarez Navarrete agradeciendo todo el apoyo recibido de Caminando Juntos, “ no solo en la parte material

        sino  tambien en el esfuerzo, caridad y cuidado que cada miembro del grupo puso para la ayuda, pues es esto justamente lo que al final transforma la vida y

         nos da valentia para continuar viviendo.


       mensaje de la Superiora General saliente en Japon, hna. Angeles Torres: “Durante los 12 anos de mi mandato como Superiora General, tantas cosas han

       pasado, la partida al Cielo de la hna Leticia, la tragedia de la Fiebre Ebola, la recuperacion despues de este flagelo,etcetera etcetera,dentro de todo

       esto, he tenido la oportunidad de conocer la enorme voluntad de ayuda y de Amor al Senor, al projimo, que todos y cada uno demostro,agradezco esta

       bendicion profundamente.


pag.5 noticias recientes de la hna.B.Shirahata, agradecimiento a la hna. Elisa y  la hna. Angeles,la alegria de poder regresar despues de dos anos de rehabi


       foto: srta. Yoshiko Hotta, residente en Ghana,durante su visita .


pag.6 ,segunda parte ~pag.7 diario de la visita de la srta. Minako Teranishi, Universidad de Hiroshima, Dpto.Postgraduado Cooperacion Internacional.

        La srta Teranishi, es budista y su padre es un monje del templo, experimento una gran sorpresa y alegria ,al ser recibida afectuosamente por

        la gente del lugar, una comunidad islamica, que convive pacificamente con la congregacion catolica. El tema de estudio de la srta Teranishi es “Religion

        y Paz,su construccion, para recoger mayor material, nuevamente esta en Sierra Leona. foto , a la derecha ,la srta Teranishi, pag 7 foto,la boda de una

        srta de religion islamica y su novio cristiano.


pag.8 mensaje de nuestros colaboradores. Informe de la comision : La reunion general del 2018, se llevo a cabo sin novedad, se programa una visita a la

        tumba de la hna. Leticia. foto la hna. Yoshida en  Mange Bure, con los ninos del lugar.


El informe de la hna. Elisa y de la hna. Yoshida, van aparte.

                                                                                    Profesor Katsujiro Kanno

Representante de “ Caminando Juntos”

                            (version en espanol Marta Tanaka)